Dienstag, 23. September 2014

falling Leaves

4 Kommentare:

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Hallo Elke! Wieder ein tolles Haus.
LG Petra aus Österreich

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Dear Elke,

I have been reading your blog and I've downloaded all your beautiful creations for The Sims 3 game. They make my game so much enjoyable! I have found more of your designed houses from google, but they no longer exist. Why, Elke? I really wish you could bring back the old houses for us!

Anonym hat gesagt…

Dear Elke,

I have been reading your blog and I've downloaded all your beautiful creations for The Sims 3 game. They make my game so much more enjoyable! I have found more of your designed houses from google, but they no longer exist. Why, Elke? I really wish you could bring back the old houses for us!

Unknown hat gesagt…

is perfect continous plsss